Week 6
First week back from break and during the break I did some research and looked at my project deeper and tried to narrow my project to a comfortable space to work with.
We went deep into our project with peers and other people in the class to discuss the possible design outcomes that we could work on.
We presented A1 of our work, and looked around at what everyone else in upto in there project.
I wanted to present how I was going to engage the audience in my subject matter, Exploring the different ideas within community and why the ideas of suicide is ignored and not talked about, especially in pacific island communities.
“I am a Visual communicator exploring existing/ new to challenge the system around suicide prevention, through___________”
I think the reason people do not know about these suicide prevention campaigns is that they are lacking in design communication and lacking in letting people know that they exist.
The issue is suicide, why is it happening? NZ has the highest youth suicide in the world and I believe that is a good enough reason to do this project and also using design to let inform and challenge the way NZ is taking on suicide in todays society.
What (it’s about/does it address), Why (it’s needed/important/neglected), How (what process, methods will you use), When ( a provisional time line), key texts/theorists/creative practitioners who you either use as a spring board for your ideas, respond to, dispute or challenge.
We’d like you to also indicate where to next with your project…what are the next steps of designing for you, how might you take the work into the world?
I have no clue where to next, I just want to see where design is lacking in the community of suicide. I want to inform young people that it is okay not to be okay.
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