Week 3

This week we had a critique on where abouts our projects were heading and if we were headed the right direction. I did kinda struggle to find an issue or just a theme to base my design project around but I have come up with a theme which is suicide awareness. It is a hard topic to talk about but I believe as a Polynesian in NZ, we need to talk about it. It is destroying families and wasting lives.

I was advised to be more specific with my audience and find a way to get the message across to kids and teens in low decile communities. 

13 to 19 and mostly highschool kids.

Why am I doing this project? Purpose?
It is important for people to care about the lives of the children of Aotearoa and to care about the reputation of our country. NZ has the highest number of suicides for a developed country. There are campaigns out there that people don't know about but I want people of NZ to know that suicide is an existing monster that lives among our children. 

NZ has put out a strategy to prevent suicide but according to Mike King, its rubbish. 

Another aspect of why teens are going through hard times is because is they are disconnected and there are two types of parents, the ones that go on vacation and dedicated to work and the ones who work to put a roof over their head and leaving there kids by themselves alone. (Mike King)

Kids just want time.

Suicide prevention is about changing attitudes.

Parents need to go into schools and talking to them about talking about their problems.
Need to talk about the little problems before they become major problems, before they become suicidal thoughts. 


Engaging communities, you ask them whats wrong, a community in Hastings is different from a community in North Otago. 

Educating communities and kids on how to listen to someone who is having a problem.

Three reasons people commit suicide.
:I am hurting
:I am causing hurt
:I want to cause hurt
The heart of suicide is hurt.

government is spending money on the wrong things, 

Campaigns are spending money on those who are hurting but were not spending money to educate those who cause hurt.

We need to reconnect with young people, change your attitude and it will change the world. The government spends around 1.6 billion on suicidal prevention but its not helping.

Team of mental health workers in the field. 

Incorporating a pastor, board of professionals, 


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