
Showing posts from March, 2018

Week 4 Research

What am I doing? I am an illustrator/ visual communicator looking at youth suicide/ family disconnection through community ...... I initially was aiming at using 13-19 age group for my project but through my research I found that their is a disconnection between a parent and a child within pacific island communities. Therefor I aim to use pacific Island parents as my audience as they have that power in a home to make a child feel better or worse. Within pacific island families, or any family, a learning process for a child starts at home.

Week 3

This week we had a critique on where abouts our projects were heading and if we were headed the right direction. I did kinda struggle to find an issue or just a theme to base my design project around but I have come up with a theme which is suicide awareness. It is a hard topic to talk about but I believe as a Polynesian in NZ, we need to talk about it. It is destroying families and wasting lives. I was advised to be more specific with my audience and find a way to get the message across to kids and teens in low decile communities.  Audience: 13 to 19 and mostly highschool kids. Why am I doing this project? Purpose? It is important for people to care about the lives of the children of Aotearoa and to care about the reputation of our country. NZ has the highest number of suicides for a developed country. There are campaigns out there that people don't know about but I want people of NZ to know that suicide is an existing monster that lives among our children. ...


Research: What is the issue? Housing in NZ,   Inform the kids, introduce the app, educate the kids.  Lower class communities are wanting to go into the workforce but fall short due to lack of skill set, and experience. Who is my audience? Children from the age of 7 to 16, And parents from the age of 21 and over. A learning app that is introduced at school. self prep, tips on breaking habits, educating the kids in identifying things. The government is not giving enough fund and housing NZ can't provide for the needs of the houses which people with low income are living in. These houses are cold and often the kids in these families are getting sick, skin infection, and heart damage from rheumatic fever. What is the issue? Mental illness with pacific and Maori communities. Man Up! High violent rates, suicide rates within pacific and maori communities. Pacific youth are 3 times more likely to commit suicide than the national population. What people n...

Week 2

Today we discussed some ideas and the timeline of how research and if we haven't gotten an idea it's alright. If we have an idea, we do the research and refine what we want to do. I sort of have an idea, which is 'breaking the rules', I don't know where to go with it but i am looking at the minority communities. The more rules that are set out the more rules that are broken. I was influenced by Ben Carson and along the way I looked at a graffiti artist Banksy. Looking at things: Looking at how time has changed the way things are formed and how the human behaviour has changed over time. Talking about whats next and how consumption is a problem and things happen at different times in the worlds timeline. Using these titles style, philosophy, cultural formation find your ideas and look at what is important in the now and could work on what is really important now than doing something that was important 60 years ago. Identifying what is important within s...

week 1

Research Ideas: I am passionate about the minority and through design I am looking at how breaking rules could help communities. I am looking at how I could help low decile areas through design and I'm working on an idea of how could we break the cycle.